3rd TERM
Ramos is a Spanish footballer. He is thirty years
old, he was born in 1986 in Camas,Sevilla. In a
normal day he usually gets up at eight o ’clock he has a healthy breaksaft, it includeS orange juice, aN
apple, toasts with tomato and olive oil and biscuits. A at ninE o’clock
he goes to train with his team “The Real Madrid” and he works very hard.He is one of the best defenders in Spain or even the
world. He trainS all the morning but at half past twelve he has a break
with his friends. After he continues his training.
At half past two he ends and he goes home for TO HAVE has lunch with his wife.
After he has free time and he listens to music, he plays computer
games with his mobile phone and he watchES the TV. Sometimes he playS a match.As usual he likes to win but IT
IS not always
possible. At nine o’clock he usually has dinNer and after he watchES the TV with his wife. After he goes to the bed. And
this is a Sergio Ramos’ day (I think)
I choOse this person because I like
playing football and for me is one of the best defenders in the Real Madrid.
My favorite actress: Macarena Gómez
Macarena Gómez It is a very
famous actress who makes a TV series called "La que se avecina" .She
gets up at 8:30h in the morning and eatS breakfast cereal with milk and chocolate milk, when going to the closet to
get dressed calls her stylist Ramon and helps you HER TO decide how to dress, leaves home and calls his limo to set recording the
new capítulode CHAPTER OF the series
.When SHE arrives: comb, the make up and give the script to review it, to make
scenes series: Lucas eats with her
husband except Sundays, Macarena eats
with her mother. In an interview he said She wanted to make HAVE time to motherhood, but their work is not permitted. The end of the day,
Macarena takes off her clothes, a shower occurs in the jacuzzi and a massage is
given with its first class masseur. pijama sets, read a while and sleeps in his HER waterbed.
Teresa Pallarés
Francisco Gandía
Daniel better known as 8cho is
a Spanish youtuber, he doES videos of tops and
other things but with a comic air. I sone HE IS of my favourite
s youtubers. His most famous videos are
those of the human is delayed and
don’thave cure. He have HAS three brother and one of the malsodo ????? tops like 8cho, his name is Tri-Line. 8cho have HAS 1.309.238 subscribers,clearly
I’m one of them. His subscribers call he HIM ¡¡¡¡SENPAI!!!!
He all the days giveS up GETS UP at 10:00 (is a vague). After he search information
for TO do his tops,
also HE thinkS things for other videos. After he records ,edits and uploads his
videos, every Monday and Thursday He uploads a
video. For his job he always is He IS ALWAYS connected
to the social networks. He have HAS Instagram,twitter and Facebook.
My favorite singer is called Calum Heaslip Arredondo is fifteen and was born in Granada by her mother and her father Irish. He has an older sister and another pequeña.Se became a singer when I was twelve presenting the program The Voice Kids. One day after day for can
be tricky because many fans asking for pictures and autographs him and
that it can be overwhelming. I like this singer for his physical and his
Yolanda Mula
Manuel Carrasco
was born in Isla Cristina, Huelva, on 15th
January 1981. He is thirty-five years old and he is a famous Spanish musician
and singer. When he was eleven, his father GAVE him
a guitar for his birthday. So he started to learn how to play the guitar. It
was the beginning.
his every-day life, he gets up early, at half-past seven. He runs ten
kilometres from monday to Friday. After, he has a delicious breakfast: an
orange juice, two toasts with butter and strawberry jam and a green tea. He spends
the morning singing, writing lyrics and playing the guitar, and the piano. He´s
amazing !
he stops at two o´clock. Then, he has a siesta. At half-past five, he studies
English in an academy. He wants to sing in English in his next disc cd. That´s
incredible ! At night, he
cooks salad for dinner and he goes to sleep. He is very healthy !
I think he is very good at singing and he looks really handsome. Also, I really
like his songs such as “Si miras a tu alrededor”, “Uno x uno”, or “ Ya no”. But
my favourite song is “Por eso si te vas”
which is the soundtrack of a Mexican soAp
opera called “ Cuando me enamoro”.
Virginia Cánovas
Pablo is a singer / songwriter, he was born ON 31st
May 1989 in Málaga-Spain, he is 26 years old he hasn´t got girlfriend
and he hasn´t got children too. He plays the guitar and the piano. And
her complete name is Pablo Moreno de Alborán Ferrándiz.
He always gets up at seven o´clock, he has breakfast at half past seven and he GETS DRESSED TO go to the sport center. When he is in the sport center he PLAYS tennis because IT is his favourite sport. He meets his friends after the sport center in a coffeE shop called "Los Tulipanes" . He somEtimes has lunch in his house but he usually goes to a restauranT.
And later he goes to his house to do something with the laptop and
later he has something ligth for dinner and finaly he goes to bed at
half past ten.
like this famous person because he is a simple person and he isn´t a
false person. he sings very well and he can do the song that he sings noT like anothers singers.

Beatriz Muñoz
Beatriz Muñoz
His name is Marshall Bruce Mathers III,he is forty three years old,he IS MARRIED WITH / TO Kimberly Anne Scott he is a famous rapper and he is american.
he gets up at nine o'clock he a good breakfast like toasted bread or pancakes after he takes his car and goES to the studio to record a song and writes other songs (he spends five hours in the studio)after he goES running (He doES a lot of sport) after running he goES to his house in Detroit Michigan and he seeS his chidren two of his children are adopted and the other is with his ex-wife Kimberly Anne Scott his better songS are rap god,love the way you lie, and love yourself his first albu was infinite not the best but the most emotional.
really like this rapper because i think is too good and he has worked
to be one of the best rapper in the world thing than much try and few
Agustin Guerao
My famous character PERSON is
Manuel Carrasco. He was born in Isla Cristina (Huelva), HE IS thirty-five years ago OLD. He is a great singer and a fantastic composer.
He participated in a talent´s
show in TV, Operación Triunfo, in 2003. In this program he was finalist. Since
this program he is most popular in Spain.
Every day, he wakeS up at eight o´clock, he brakefast
at home. After he goes to recording studio, but the days he has a
concert, he wakeS up at half past nine, he HAS breakfast and them he walkS around town. He HAS lunch at quarter past one, because he participes PARTICIPATES
in a TV program. In the afternoon, when the program ends, he goes to the gym,
and he practices a lot of sports. At night he goes early to the bed, because he
wants to relax for the next day.I like him because he sings very good WELL his songs,
about love, friendly, life…My dream is goING to
Manuel Carrasco´s concert with my best friend.
María García
Manuel Carrasco is a singer. He is thirty five years old, he lives in Madrid. He doesn´t HAVE any kids, but he is married to a woman named Sofía. She is a singer too. He loveS the music because she is very important for HIM. Manuel Carrasco is a perfect boy, he loveS the sport too, for example: football, basketball, natation... His dad' S name IS Pepe and his mother'S name IS Maria. He has one brother named Rubén. His family is very big! He is tall and handsome.
One day WITH this character is fantastic! First, we ARE playing football, then we go shopping and finally we ARE singing a song together. We ARE going to Sevilla at four o´clock and we look some monuments, for example: La Giralda, the cathedral... Then we ARE swimming in the pool. At half past ten we ARE having dinner and at eleven o´clock we ARE organizing a party in my house WITH my fiends. THIS IS A PERFECT DAY WITH MANUEL CARRASCO!
I love this character because he is a big person and an amazing singer! IN my opinion he is the best singer in the world so I´m writing ABOUT HIM . My favourite song is " Do not stop dream " , this song is incredible!
Marshall Bruce Mathers III or better known as Eminem or Slim Shady is a famous American rapper who was born on October 17, 1972 and currently is 43 years old. Raised in Detroit, most of his life but also spent part of it in Missouri. If we go to the family side I can say that never knew his father, his mother was an alcoholic and she denounced him for defamation,he had a relationship with Kimbely Anne Scott with whom he had a daughter they named Hailie and Eminem and Kim after a long time they divorced . And some striking fact of his life Eminem from small that got beat by a guy named d Ángelo Valley (which later denounced him for defamation). Eminem spent ten days in a coma and it takes me a year to recover and to make things as simple as tying shoes.
Today the life of Eminem is something more normal, continues to compose raps for his followers, taking caring of her beautiful daughter of 19, famous in social networks for being his daughter and with whom he has joint custody with Kim, trying to when out on the street many people don´t mind being who he is and let you enjoy. He tries to be always and anything or anyone change it and the same goes with his music, his alter ego "Slim Shady" and D12 group but died Proof, (one of the group members and close friend of Eminem )
And now he comes because I like this singer. I like Eminem because I love his music, both sad and comedy and I also like that when I'm sad or mad about anything I like to listen to your music because oddly enough relaxes me, reassures me and distracts me from the harsh reality
Instrucciones de la tarea:
- La tarea puede ser individual o por parejas. Si se realiza en parejas la nota será puesta de forma individual según el trabajo de cada alumno/a.
- Se debe grabar un video ( de no más de 2 minutos de duración) sobre una receta en inglés.
- El video debe constar de las siguientes partes: Presentación de la receta, ingredientes y pasos en la elaboración.
- Se debe usar el vocabulario aprendido en clase y cuidar mucho la pronunciación.
- Os doy algunos ejemplos de programas online para editar videos por si queréis usarlos: storybird, StoryJumper, mystorybook...
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